Abrasion: The loss of tooth structure commonly caused by improper brushing technique using a hard toothbrush, which may also produce gum recession.
Abscess: An infection of a tooth, the oral soft tissues, or the upper or lower jawbones
Abutment: A tooth or teeth that support a permanent or removable bridge
Allograft: Transplant within the same species from one individual to a genetically different recipient
Allergy: An unfavorable systemic reaction to a foreign substance or drug
Alveolar bone: The portion of the jawbone that anchors the roots of teeth
Alveolar mucosa: The loosely attached mucous membrane covering the basal part of the jaw and continuing into the floor of the mouth inwardly and into the cheek vestibule outwardly
Amalgam: A common filling material, also known as a "silver filling"
Analgesia: Absence of sensibility of pain
Anesthesia: Total or partial elimination of pain sensation
Anterior teeth: The six upper or six lower front teeth
Antibiotic: A drug that prevents or slows bacterial growth
ANUG: An acronym for Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis, commonly known as trench mouth, where the gums become red, swollen and painful due to a spirochete infection
Apex: The tip of the root of a tooth
Apicoectomy: The surgical removal of the root tip to treat a dead nerve
Attached gingiva: The dense gum tissue tightly bound down to the tooth and underlying bone that extends from the gum margin to the alveolar mucosa
Bifurcation (trifurcation): The juncture of two (three) roots in posterior teeth, primarily molars
Biopsy: Removal of tissue for microscopic examination
Bite (occlusion): The relationship of the upper and lower teeth when closed together
Bitewings: X-rays that show both the upper and lower teeth in one view, generally used to detect decay
Bone resorption: A decrease in bone supporting the roots of teeth, generally caused by periodontal disease
Bridge: A fixed dental appliance that is cemented or bonded to the teeth adjacent to a space, and which replaces one or more missing teeth
Bruxism: Grinding or clenching of the teeth, often done while sleeping
Calculus: A hard residue, also know as "tartar," that forms on teeth when salts from body fluids (primarily saliva) are precipitated onto plaque that has been left undisturbed due to inadequate oral hygiene. The calculus, which is similar to a barnacle on a boat hull, cannot be removed without professional help.
Cantilever bridge: A fixed bridge that attaches to adjacent teeth on one end only
Cap: The common term for a dental crown
Caries: Tooth decay or "cavities"
Cast (or model): The reproduction of mouth structures made by pouring plaster or stone into a mold
Cavitron: An ultrasonic cleaning instrument
Cementum: The hard layer of tooth structure that covers the root
Chart: The dental record of a patient; the recording of a dental examination
Cleaning: The removal of plaque and calculus (tartar) from teeth, generally above the gum line, usually performed by a dental hygienist
Connective tissue graft: A gingival graft using connective tissue as the donor
Cosmetic (aesthetic) dentistry: Dentistry performed to enhance the appearance
Crown: The portion of a tooth above the gum line, or a dental restoration covering all or most of the natural crown
Curettage: The removal of diseased tissue from the inner lining of a periodontal pocket
Cuspid (or canine): The "eye teeth", found between the laterals and the premolars
Cyst: a soft or hard tissue sac, often filled with fluid
DDS: Doctor of Dental Surgery — a degree identical to a DMD
DMD: Doctor of Medical Dentistry - a degree identical to a DDS
Decay: loss of tooth structure caused by toxins produced by bacteria
Deciduous teeth: The first set of teeth, also called the baby teeth
Dentin: The inner hard structure of a tooth between the enamel (or cementum) exteriorly and the pulp interiorly
Dental implant: A synthetic device surgically placed in the bone of the upper or lower jaw to act as a root to hold a dental restoration or appliance
Dentition: The natural or artificial teeth present in the mouth
Denture: A removable set of artificial teeth, either complete or partial
Diastema: A space between teeth
Enamel: The hard tissue covering the crown of a natural tooth
Endodontist: A specialist who treats diseases of the tooth pulp (nerve chamber)
Eruption: The process of teeth extruding through the gums
Explorer: An instrument used to detect decay on the surface of teeth
Extraction: removal of a tooth
Eye teeth: The lay term for the canine (cuspid) teeth
Filling: The restoration of lost tooth structure with synthetic materials
Fistula: An opening in the gum from which pus drains from an infection site, often called a gum boil
Flap surgery: The reflection back of gum tissue to expose underlying tooth and bone structures for treatment
Full denture: A removable dental appliance that replaces all upper or lower teeth
Free gingival graft: A gingival graft where the donor tissue is dissected and separated from the patient before being reattached in a different location
Frenectomy with Fenestration: The severing of the loose muscle tissue that attaches from the upper or lower lips to the gum, or from the tongue to the floor of the mouth
Frenum: A loose bundle of muscles and fibers that connect from the upper or lower lips to the gum, or from the tongue to the floor of the mouth
Furcation: The "fork-shaped" junction of the roots of a tooth
Genetics: The study of heredity
Guided tissue regeneration: A technique of excluding certain tissue during surgical healing so other desired tissues may have time to form
Gingiva: The gum tissue
Gingival grafting: The surgical addition of new gingiva where inadequate attached gingiva exists, which may include recovering roots exposed by recession
Gingivitis: Inflammation of gum tissue
Gingivectomy: The surgical removal of gum tissue
Gum boil: An abscess on the gum caused by draining infection
Gum recession: The exposure of the root of a tooth due to movement of the gum, generally resulting from abrasion, periodontal disease or surgery
Halitosis: Bad breath
Hygienist: A dental auxiliary who cleans teeth, performs periodontal scaling and root planing, and provides patient education
Impaction: A partial or completely unerupted tooth
Implant: See Dental implant
Impression: A mold made of the teeth and soft tissues from which models are made
Incision and drainage: The surgical incision of an abscess to drain suppuration (pus)
Incisors: The upper and lower four front teeth, which include the central and laterals
Interproximal: Located between the teeth
Jacket: A lay term for a crown
Laughing gas: Nitrous oxide, an odorless inhalation agent that reduces anxiety and produces some analgesic effect
Local anesthesia: A partial or complete elimination of pain sensation in a specific area, commonly referred to as "Novocaine"
Malocclusion: A misalignment of the upper and lower teeth
Mandible: The lower jaw
Maryland bridge: A bridge that is bonded to the back of the adjacent teeth
Mastication: The chewing of food
Maxilla: The upper jaw
Molars: The back teeth used for grinding food, including the 6 and 12-year molars and the wisdom teeth
Mucogingival junction: The meeting of the attached gingival and the alveolar mucosa
NSAID: Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, often used as a dental analgesic, including Motrin, Naprosyn, Celebrex, and Vioxx
Nerve: A tissue that conveys sensation, temperature, position information to the brain
Night guard: An appliance worn at night to reduce tooth wear and temporomandibular damage caused by grinding or clenching the teeth during sleep
Nitrous oxide: See Laughing gas
Novocaine: The lay term for a local anesthetic
Occlusion: The relationship of the upper and lower teeth upon closure
Oral cavity: The mouth
Oral hygiene: The cleaning of the teeth and related structures
Orthodontics: The dental specialty that treats misalignment of teeth
Osseous: Pertaining to the bone
Osseous Surgery: The recontouring of bony defects caused by periodontal disease
Osteopenia: A condition characterized by the progressive loss of bone density and thinning of bone tissue
Overdenture: A denture that fits over residual roots or dental implants
Palate: The hard and soft tissue forming the roof of the mouth
Partial denture: A removable dental appliance replacing one or more natural teeth
Pathology: The study of disease
Periapical: Around the end of the roots of teeth
Periodontal disease: Disease of the supporting structures of the teeth, including the gum and bone
Periodontal maintenance: Periodic cleaning of the teeth and gums in a patient with a history of periodontal disease
Periodontal pocket: The deepened sulcus (space) between the gum and tooth, resulting from bone loss caused by periodontal disease
Periodontal surgery: Surgery of the gums or supporting tissues of teeth
Periodontist: A dentist specializing in the treatment of the gums and supporting soft and hard tissues of the teeth, and in the surgical placement and management of dental implants
Periodontal chart: The record of a patient's periodontal health, which includes the depth of the sulcus or pocket around each tooth
Plaque: A soft, sticky film that accumulates on teeth, composed primarily of bacteria and food debris, that is the primary cause of periodontal disease and tooth decay
Pontic: A replacement tooth mounted on a fixed or removable appliance
Pre-molar (or bicuspid) : The side teeth behind the cuspids and in front of the molars
Probing: The measurement of sulcus or pocket depth around a tooth
Prognosis: The anticipated outcome of treatment
Prophylaxis: The cleaning of teeth, often performed by a dental hygienist
Prosthesis: An artificial replacement for a body part
Prosthodontist: A dentist who has specialized in restoring or replacing teeth with fixed or removable appliances
Pulp: The nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue inside a tooth
Pulp chamber: The center portion of the tooth containing the pulp
Pyorrhea: An older term for periodontal (gum) disease
Radiograph: The use of roentgen rays to image hard tissues
Regeneration Surgery: Surgery performed to reform hard or soft tissue lost due to periodontal disease
Restoration: A filling or crown used to repair a damaged tooth
Ridge augmentation: A procedure designed to increase the amount of bone height or width in the upper or lower jaw
Root: The part of the tooth structure that connects the tooth to the jaw
Root canal: A common term for root canal therapy
Root canal therapy: The process of removing the pulp of a tooth and filling it with an inert material
Root resection: The removal of one or more roots, retaining the crown of the tooth
Saliva: The clear lubricating fluid in the mouth containing water, mucus, enzymes, bacteria, blood cells and food particles
Scaling and root planing: The removal of plaque and calculus from the crown and root of a tooth
Sedation: The act or process of calming and reducing anxiety, generally achieved with oral or intravenous medications
Splint: The connection of two or more teeth so they support and strengthen each other
Sulcus: The normal space found between the gum and tooth
Suppuration: pus
Tartar: The common term for dental calculus
TMD (or TMJ disorder): Temporomandibular disorder; the conditions characterized by facial pain and restricted ability to open or move the jaw related to the temporomandibular joint
TMJ: The temporomandibular joint, where the lower jaw attaches to the skull
Topical anesthetic: An ointment or salve that produces mild anesthesia when applied to the tissue surface
Torus: A bony protuberance commonly seen on the palate, or inside of the lower jaw
Trench mouth: See ANUG
Wisdom teeth: The third (last) molars
Xerostomia: A decrease in the production of saliva resulting in a dry mouth
X-ray: See radiograph