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Suite 250
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248 S Main St.
Barre, VT 05641
Phone: (802) 476-0995
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Crown Lengthening

The part of the tooth that is seen above the gum is called the clinical crown. When not enough of the clinical crown is showing, the gum must be moved up or down the root to expose more tooth. This is called crown lengthening. There are two situations in which crown lengthening is commonly performed: to improve appearance, and to allow a dentist better access to decay or a fractured tooth.

If the dentist is unable to reach decay that is deep under the gum, the tooth will be lost. As a rule, simply trimming back the gum is not sufficient. Rather, the periodontist must reflect a flap, trim back the bone to allow for access to the decay, and then suture the gum back at the lower level. Sufficient bone must be removed to allow room below the decay for the gum to reattach to the tooth.

decay far under gum

Decay far under gum

flap reflected to access decay

Flap reflected to access decay

bone trimmed to access decay and gum to reattach

Bone trimmed for access to decay and to allow room for gum to reattach

gum visible for dentist to restore with filling or crown

Gum replaced with decay visible for dentist to restore with filling or crown

Most crown lengthening procedures are very straightforward, and there is minimal post-operative discomfort. Sutures and dressing are removed after about 1 week.

If a crown is to be placed in a cosmetic area, the restorative dentist should wait12 weeks following crown lengthening before taking final impressions. This ensures that the gum, is in its final position. If the margin of the crown is placed at the gum level before final healing, the results may be compromised. A temporary crown can be placed two weeks after surgery if the patient desires to cover the exposed root during this healing period.