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When using a CAT scan, the digital information can be sent to Columbia Scientific, Inc., a company that reformats the data for dental software use. Using a computer program called Sim/plant, we can view the jawbone from various angles. It becomes easy to determine the height, width, and density of the bone, and the location of the mandibular nerve and the maxillary sinus. Implant simulations can be done on the computer, so the exact size and ideal location for the implant is known.

Sim/plant overview showing lower jaw

Sim/plant overview showing the lower jaw from the front, top, and in cross-section slices. A 3-D view is also shown.


implant placement preview

With Sim/plant, the height and width of the bone can be measured, and anatomical structures visualized. Here the mandibular nerve is identified and highlighted in red, and implant simulations are inserted to preview implant placement.


Measurments to determine implant final size

Closeup of side view of the lower jaw, with the mandibular nerve highlighted in red. Implant length and width simulation can determine final size needed.


close up of lower jaw with natural teeth and implants

Closeup of the occlusal view of lower jaw, showing natural teeth and simulation of 2 planned implants.


cross section view to determine implant placement angle

The cross-section view allows for determination of the implant width and length, and placement angle. Here, the proposed abutment is also shown.


density of bone can be measured to see if implants are possible

The density of the bone can be seen, to evaluate if implants are feasible. The abutment post size and angle can be measured to help in planning for restorations (crowns).


For the majority of implants, clinical examination with x-rays and or a CAT scan is sufficient for treatment planning. However, for more complex cases, the Sim/plant provides precise information about jaw anatomy and warrants the extra expense.